Thursday, October 29, 2015

Extra Reading: Native American Hero Tales

 My extra reading was the Hero Tales of the Native American Unit.

I found the stories of the “Jealous Uncle” to be strange and terrifying for a child. I feel like most of these tales are passed down and told to generations of tribe members. I cannot imagine hearing a story about my uncle killing my siblings. In this story the young boy was the hero because he finally got rid of the mean uncle, but he also used all the resources he had to survive the obstacles that uncle put him through. I found the last of the story to be strange. I understood the significance of the eagle, but not how the child seemed to put on a suit and become one. I found this part very far-fetched and had a hard time wrapping my mind around it to create a mental image. The story did keep my attention because I was constantly worrying if the boy was going to survive or not. I do not know that I could use this story as a retelling because I don’t think I can create a scenario with an uncle that kills children. 

Image from the story

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