Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Reading Diary A: Nursery Rhymes

I chose to read Nursery Rhymes this week.

A few things I noticed while reading these Nursery Rhymes: The alliteration used and the rhyming scheme. I always liked nursery rhymes as a child and I enjoyed the first reading of this unit.

A few of my favorites of the nursery rhyme tales
The Lion and the Unicorn
There was a Crooked Man – in this one the word “crooked” is repeated several times. It was used to describe his behaviors and objects he came in contact with.
I found the one about Simple Simon to be very strange. This rhyme did not have a significant ending to me.

In the proverbs I liked the rhyme If Wishes Were Horses.
I also liked the line about how laziness and wickedness take more hours of sleep. I think this is true because it is easier to be nice to someone then to work at being mean or making their life difficult.

My favorite from the Proverbs would be Monday’s Child. I think the rhyme sums how society feels about days of the week. I think it is strange that even from an old nursery rhyme we can see that Monday is not the best day of the week. We can also see how the rest of the world is perceived. 


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